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July 26 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Are you interested in finding out about contracts as part of the film industry here in the North East?
There are lots of opportunities for businesses across the region to become involved in this new and exciting world of film TV.
North East Screen is North East England’s screen industries development agency. They develop and champion North East England as one of the UK’s leading film and TV production hubs where exceptional screen industry talent can live, create and work. With more productions than ever coming to the region, they are looking for supply chain companies interested in adding the film and tv industry to their client list.
Come and meet the team on Friday 26th July to find out how you and your company could get involved. Presentation and questions at One Trinity Green in South Shields from 10am -12noon.
Companies that the film industry are looking for include: catering, accommodation, chaperones, rigging, crew staffing, security, technical, office set ups, locations, waste management, hybrid taxis or estate cars, camera & event equipment and radios, but everyone is welcome!
Places are limited and must be booked through EventBrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/north-east-screen-networking-and-presentation-event-tickets-939424854027?aff=oddtdtcreator