Jeremy Ramsay

Tech Entrepreneur Shares Secrets to Success

The businessman behind a fast-growing South Tyneside tech company is encouraging others to tap into support from a group of regional business experts.

Jeremy Ramsay, managing director of Space VR, will take to the stage at Invest South Tyneside’s upcoming Business Talk event on 3 October to chart the company’s incredible growth and share the secrets to his success.

Jeremy Ramsay

Since 2021, Space VR – which spans out of award-winning interior design practice, Space ID – has worked on a number of high-profile property developments across the UK and overseas.

Helping developers and designers bring their concepts to life through AR, VR, CGIs and animation, one such project was with The Falkland Islands Company.

Nestled in its rugged landscape, the company approached Space VR to collate a multi-facetted presentation to attract external investment for the development.

Space VR developed a series of stunning visual representations of the planned luxury, self-contained timber cabin village on the island, helping promote the site and secure the funding required.

Other projects have included castle renovations, housing developers, hotel, bar and restaurant developments and even a retail store for a major clothing brand.

Contributing to this success and growth has been support from a team of business experts through the Scaleup North East programme which Jeremy believes has been of ‘key to the business’ growth’.

He said:

“The support from Craig Huntingdon and the Scaleup North East programme has been second to none.

“Due to the nature of our work, we’ve found it hard to secure external funding, however the support we’ve received from the Scaleup North East programme has been extremely useful.

“It has allowed us to explore the potential of undertaking a Knowledge Transfer Partnership with University of Sunderland to bring external expertise into the business and discover new areas we can expand into.

“It has also helped us develop a pitch desk to improve our business development, which has already resulted in new work. It’s been a huge help.”

Such an impact has the programme had on the business that Jeremy is now calling for other businesses to get involved.

Speaking at South Tyneside’s upcoming Business Talk event on 3 October at South Shields’ One Trinity Green – which will also be streamed online – Jeremy will use the platform to not only chart his business journey but to talk openly about his experience of the programme.

“I’m really looking forward to speaking to businesses from across the borough and sharing exactly how I found the programme,” Jeremy said.

“It’s so easy for business leaders to think ‘we won’t be eligible for that’, especially for those of us in the creative and tech industries, however they really do tailor the support to your business, as opposed to asking if your company fits with what they are looking for.

“We’re blessed as a region to be home to so many incredible small and medium sized businesses and initiatives like this, which provide advice and best practice, are key to ensuring the region’s businesses can continue competing on the world stage for years to come.”

Businesses in South Tyneside of any stage or size that can demonstrate significant revenue growth or growth potential of at least 10% are eligible for support through this Scaleup North East scheme. 

Cllr Margaret Meling, Lead Member for Economic Growth and Transport at South Tyneside Council, said:

“This promises to be a fascinating and informative talk about a rapidly growing local business.

“Jeremy attributes some of that success to the funding from the Scaleup North East Programme so I’d encourage other business to listen in and see if they too could benefit – there is support available for 15 South Tyneside firms.”

Angelina Bell, Scaleup Partner from Scaleup North East will join Jeremy and host Ian Farrar at the Business Talk to talk about the programme and what exactly is on offer.

Those wishing to attend the event and learn more about Scaleup North East are being urged to secure their free ticket while spaces remain.

Business Talks Scaling Up in South Tyneside

Tickets can be booked via:

The ScaleUp programme in South Tyneside is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

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